Monday, March 30, 2009

This is the very first picture taken of John and I together.  We were 16 and 17 years old here.  We went to the state fair.  It is basically the beginning of my life.  I have been kinda emotional lately and just sitting here thinking of what has happened in the 18 years since this picture was taken has made me cry.  I would not change a single thing.     You will all be so proud of me...   I just erased about 4 paragraphs of how amazing Jt is to spare all of you the mush of how much I truly love this man.  Just know that I do and we will leave it at that.

Thank you Jt for making my life what it is.  I love you.


Lisa said...

Thank you for sparing me the mushy stuff. I hear it everyday as it is! You are smokin' hot in that picture. 4real!

Tebbs Times said...

I LOVE THIS!!! What a great couple you two are!! Deb you have beautiful family!! You are a great little mama!! Keep up the great work with those beautiful kiddies you have!! BTW...I would love to try soccer again!! esp...if it is with all the fun girls from lifetime:)

Bonnie said...

What a cute picture. Wow that was a long time ago...I can remember when Johnny and I were at the ice cream parlor and the sun was in my eyes and so he reached up and closed the blinds for me...(sigh) cute! He really is a great man. You guys are great for each other.

Abigail said...

I think I am going to cry! Oh my gosh! I love this pic.'re incredible in every single way. And yes you were right on my blog..the problem is that I gots to just have some ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................................................................

Jen Hunter said...

He got awfully lucky too.

Dartay said...

How is it that you still look like you're 16 today? You must divulge your beauty secrets!

Charlynne said...

Deb that is so cute!! and so awesome to have the beginning of your relationship documented like that...seriously what a great couple.