Sunday, January 25, 2009


One of my favorite kids in the world turned 15 this weekend!!  We had a huge party over at our house to celebrate Jaidon's 15 years of life!  I feel very blessed to be able to be a part of  his life.  He is such an amazing person.    

We had a ton of kids over, they played night games, laser tag, rock band and sat in the hot tub.  

Cake time.  I don't think I have ever heard happy birthday sung louder.

You know if Kaycee is plugging her ears it is wayyyyyyy to loud, now she knows how we feel in most of her classes!!!
15 spankings, it has got to be embarrassing when your mother can still take you down and give you spankings in front of all your friends!!!

I am glad Kaycee brought 2 cakes so Cy and Ally would have enough to throw in each others face for a good half hour!!!
I think Ally is losing the cake war.

No maybe Cy lost!!  Guilt is a wonderful thing.
We ended the night with a mean game of Nertz!!  


NNA said...

Hi, I found your blog post through a search for "Nertz". It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to let you know about, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks

Abigail said...

Holy Nertz Fan is stalking you now! HAHA! This is getting serious, maybe we need to report him to the nertz police. I am laughing so hard! Anyways, I had fun playing with you all last night...wait that did not sound so good. But I lOVE YOU!

Lisa said...

That was a fun night! I like how you choose to post the picture of us playing nertz where you can't even see me (only the top of my head.) Nice- glad I mean so much to you!

Debbie Thomas said...

that was the only one that wasn't blurry. So sorry, i will be sure to post a beautiful 8x10 of just you soon!!!

Tebbs Times said...

Looks like Kaycee knows how to take care of Jaidon still!! How FUN!! You are quite the party thrower!! :)